Plugins overview

A plugin is an application written in Java that runs within SQuirreL. This allows developers to enhance the functionality of SQuirreL without having to rebuild the SQuirreL application itself.

All plugins that are hosted in the SQuirreL source code repository are included in SQuirreL's installer. Besides these there are plugins available at other sites that you can download and add to your installation.

The source for each plugin is supplied with it.



Plugins hosted on SQuirreL's site are available in bundled downloads. See our download section for details.

Note: We no longer provide separate downloads for plugins due to the additional work involved in packaging them as well as versioning issues that arise when mixing incompatible versions of SQuirreL with individual plugins. The correct version of each available plugin is always provided in the SQuirreL SQL Client install jar.

To install a Plugin hosted on other sites essentially all you need to do is to drop the Plugin files into the plugin/ directory of your SQuirreL SQL installtion directory. For further details see the instructions on the Plugins' home pages.


Plugins Available in the Installer

Data Import Plugin by Thorsten Mürell
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds the ability to import data from Excel or CSV files into a database using SQuirreL.

DBCopy Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds the ability to copy tables from one session into another session. Hibernate is used to map data types between differing database products.

DB2 Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds DB2-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Derby Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds Derby-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Firebird Plugin by Roman Rokytskyy
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds Firebird RDBMS specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Graph Plugin by Gerd Wagner
Installer Category: Standard
This plugin allows you to create and print charts of database tables and their foreign key relations. If you use it together with the SQL Scripts plugin you are able to script tables from within the charts.

H2 Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds H2-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Hibernate Plugin by Gerd Wagner
Installer Category: Optional
  • allows to generate SQL statements from Hibernate HQL statements
  • shows object tree of mapped objects
  • HQL Code completion and syntax highlighting
  • Three ways to create a HibernateSessionFactory:
    • Native way using "new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();"
    • JPA way using "Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("<persitence-unit name>");"
    • User defined way to by calling a user defined provider method.

Informix Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds Informix-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Look and Feel Plugin by Colin Bell
Installer Category: Standard
This plugin allows you to select a Look and Feel other than the default Java one. It also allows you to specify the fonts for the different GUI elements. It ships with several Look and Feel implementations.

Microsoft SQL-Server Plugin by Ryan Walberg

Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds MS SQLServer-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Multisource Plugin by Ramon Lawrence and Gerd Wagner
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin allows queries that cross multiple databases such as SELECT * FROM OracleDB.table1 INNER JOIN MySQL.table2.
It also supports cross-database updates and synchronization, data virtualization, and SQL dialect and function translation.

MySQL Plugin by Colin Bell

Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds MySQL-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Oracle Plugin by Colin Bell

Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds Oracle-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Netezza Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds Netezza-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

PostgreSQL Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds PostgreSQL-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Refactoring Plugin by Rob Manning
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds schema refactoring capabilities to SQuirreL. Refactorings include adding, modifying and dropping columns, adding/dropping primary keys and dropping tables.

Session Scripts by Colin Bell
Installer Category: Optional
The Sesssion Scripts plugin allows you to specify one or more SQL statements to be executed when a session is started.

SQL Entry Area Enhancements Plugin by Gerd Wagner
Installer Category: Standard
This plugin provides adding and removing Java quoting around SQL and formatting of SQL in the SQL editor.

SQL Bookmarks by Joe Mocker and Gerd Wagner
Installer Category: Standard
This plugin allows you to manage commonly used SQL code for easy reuse. The plugin also provides a simple syntax for parameter replacement within the bookmarked SQL. As the SQL is reloaded, the user is prompted to enter values for any embedded parameters, after which the SQL is loaded into the SQL editor for execution. To select an existing bookmark use the ctrl+j shortcut or the tools popup (ctrl+t) in the SQL editor. New bookmarks can be added from the SQL editor via the tools popup (ctrl+t).

SQL Entry Completion Plugin / Code Completion by Gerd Wagner
Installer Category: Standard
This plugin offers code completion in much the same way as modern IDEs do. You use code completion through the standard ctrl+space shortcut or the tools popup (ctrl+t). Completion works on tables, views, columns catalogs, schemas, aliases, SQL keywords, data types and stored procedures. It allows you to generate of SQL-JOIN syntax based on foreign keys.

SQL Validator Plugin by Colin Bell
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin will validate your SQL against the ISO SQL standard. It does this by connecting to a Web Service provided by Mimer SQL. The SQL that is validated is stored anonymously to be used by the ISO SQL Standards committee.

For more information on the web service click here.

Sybase Plugin by Ken McCullough
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin adds Sybase-specific functionality to SQuirreL.

Syntax Highlighting Plugin by Colin Bell and Gerd Wagner
Installer Category: Optional
This plugin replaces the old jEdit plugin. It's built upon the editor of Sun's Netbeans IDE editor and supplies syntax highlighting for the SQL editor. It provides search and replace functionality and it allows you to define abbreviations and auto corrects in a similar way as in modern office products.

Plugins available at other sites

DAO4J Plugin
available at

DAO4J is a free DAO Generator for Java. DAO4J can generate clear and efficient Java source files to populate Database tables via standard JDBC.

JExplose Plugin by jayasoft
available at

This plugin adds JExplose functionality to SQuirreL SQL. JExplose organizes all opened window in such manner that they can be all viewed.